Selling Selling my account (lvl 85 Glorious Valley)

Discussion in 'Sparta War of Empires Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gypgyp, 9/14/22.

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  1. Gypgyp

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    Hello, I have been playing that game since 2015, and don't know if I will have enough time to continue progressing in it now, so let's see if someone is interested, I had a special kind of play, not level progressing but focused on saving resources and armies :

    City development :
    acropolis : lvl 30 max
    forge : lvl 24
    4 lumberyard lvl 23 and one lvl 30 max
    4 farms lvl 25 and two lvl 26
    port : lvl 23
    harbor : lvl 22
    agora : lvl 22
    2 warhouse lvl 26 and one lvl 25
    2 granary lvl 25 and one lvl 24
    hall of xenia lvl 10 max
    infirmary lvl 16 max
    Argentarium lvl 2 (+10%)
    All decors + doors and towers : city defense bonus 20192

    elysean city
    2 moonstone treasury lvl 16 and one lvl 17
    2 moonstone quarry lvl 11 and four lvl 10
    temple of thea lvl 1
    elysean farm lvl 25 max
    elysean granary lvl 6
    elysean forge lvl 12
    elysean lumberyard lvl 12
    elysean warehouse lvl 6

    see the following pictures, the most developed part, almost lvl 30 and some lv 32 (sorry for the tiny font, don't hesitate asking for special focus or details):

    agreements I.PNG
    agreements II.PNG

    agreements III.PNG

    elysean agreements :

    Mainly Pezos unit, didn't really develop seriously that more for now

    Champion agreements :

    same here, did things in order

    Academy :
    Focused on some specific things, but 25 scroll cypher if necessary :

    academy I.PNG academy II.PNG academy III.PNG academy IV.PNG academy V.PNG

    + 30 scrolls left to use

    Phylarch :
    lot of savings here :

    phylarcs resources.PNG

    and :
    full level 1 and level 2 signed
    level 3 :

    phylarcs II.PNG phylarcs III.PNG phylarcs IV.PNG

    General :
    3 divine items, and a fourth alone, not all maxed, and mainly legendary class IV for the others, almost 50% for off and def bonus, like this :


    Gardians :
    one rank 7 ; two rank 6 ; most of the others rank 5 ; almost class V (the most interesting) ; lot of adventurers

    the mains (some maxed with skill stones) :

    gardians I.PNG gardians II.PNG gardians III.PNG

    adventurers (mains) :

    gardians IV.PNG gardians V.PNG gardians VI.PNG gardians V.png

    gardians resources :

    summon I.PNG summon II.PNG summon III.PNG summon IV.PNG

    Ascelpios stuff :

    ascelpios I.PNG
    scelpios III.PNG ascelpios II.PNG ascelpios III.PNG

    global resources and objects :

    not much elysean boost but a large amount of standard ones :

    boost I.PNG boost II.PNG elysean boost.PNG

    some city schemas :

    city schemas II.PNG city schemas.PNG

    other special resources list and global :

    dominion I.PNG dominion II.PNG dominion III.PNG global resources I.PNG global resources II.PNG

    some samples in pictures, don't hésitate asking if you want more pictures :

    samples I.PNG samples II.PNG samples III.PNG samples IV.PNG samples V.PNG


    Finally, serious business, 846k troops, 488M off without gardians (520 with off elysean champions and unit) and 240M def (266 M with def elysean champions and units) and I started a special delirium, getting 50k of all kind of troops.

    2,3M spy without gardian

    so that's all my dedicated account for some years now with good and bad sides. Considering the money and time taken to make growing this, I think that 850$ would be a nice price. I don't think that there will be so much negociation but still try. If there is no serious offer, I think that I will just keep it growing as much as I can on my rare free time lol, but the price will raise too.

    Don't hesitate asking questions if needed, I will reply you as soon as I can.

    I will use the middleman to ensure the security of this trade, no scam or other weird stuff and false accounts, here we go ! I will create the link after getting a serious offer.
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