Selling Selling my account; I do got 5 characters in it,...

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mikail Çevik, 8/18/14.

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  1. Mikail Çevik

    Mikail Çevik
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    Selling my account; I do got 5 characters in it, 1. Obeya (EU1) - Rank 255 - Enforcer 2. Obeya (EU1) - Rank 255 - Crimminel 3. Obeya (EU1) - Rank 78 - Enforcer 4. Patriot (EU2) - Rank 248 - Enforcer 5. EU 3 - Rank 255 - Enforcer - I do got up to 15 premium weapons with unlimited time. The weapons are for the whole account, so if you create a new character you'll always have the rights to use it in the character. - I got over 700 days premium left. - I got 14 premium cars, which i've bought since 2012. - Contact me for more info, we can think about the price.
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  2. OP
    Emil Berggren

    Emil Berggren
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    Got any cash you will sell?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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