Selling Selling my account for $800 Lvl 108 Account Class...

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zach Myers, 7/19/15.

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  1. Zach Myers

    Zach Myers
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    Selling my account for $800 Lvl 108 Account Class 13—General Class 5* Light 4-7 Queen Amidala sk40 4-7 C-3PO sk40 4-7 Obi-Wan Kenobi [Jedi Master] sk40 4-7 Leia Organa sk40 4-7 Han Solo [Smuggler for Hire] 4-7 Mace Windu [Master of Vaapad] 4-7 Mace Windu [Master of Vaapad] 4-7 Mace Windu [Master of Vaapad] 4-7 Mace Windu [Master of Vaapad] 4-7 Wedge Antilles 4-7 Lando Calrissian sk40 (locked) 4-7 Admiral Ackbar sk40 Han Solo [Smuggler for Hire] Obi-Wan Kenobi [Republic General] R2-D2 Admiral Ackbar Padme Amidala [Senator at War] (locked) Anakin Skywalker [The Chosen One] (locked) 5* Dark Anakin Skywalker [The Fallen One] Aurra Sing Dooku [Dark Lord] Darth Vader Notable 4* and 3* (Light and Dark) 4-7 Ki-Adi Mundi sk40 8-15 Saesee Tiin sk40 8-15 LS Clone Commander Gree sk40 8-15 LS Clone Commander Gree sk40 8-15 Orrimarko sk40 4-7 Bail Organa sk40 4-7 Bail Organa sk40 8-15 Mon Mothma sk40 8-15 Chewbacca [Mechanic] sk40 4-7 Master Yoda sk40 4-7 DS Clone Commander Gree sk40 6-11 Shaak Ti sk40 4-7 Kit Fisto sk40 4-7 Barriss Offee 4-7 Barriss Offee 8-15 General Grievous 8-15 Darth Vader [Death Star] 8-15 R2-D2 4-7 R2-D2 4-7 R2-D2 [Mechanic] 4-7 Luke Skywlaker [x-wing pilot] 4-7 Han Solo 8-15 Oppo Rancis 8-15 Dak Ralter Tie Fighter Pilot x2 Saesee Tiin x4 Shaak Ti x4 Evo1 Hardcase Hardcase x2 Han Solo [Back of the Beyond] x2 Barriss Offee x3 4-7 Boss Nass Boss Nass x3 Luke Skywlaker [x-wing pilot] General Veers x2 R2-D2 [Mechanic] Clone Commander Neyo (LS) Clone Commander Neyo (LS) Clone Commander Gree (LS) Clone Commander Gree (DS) Luke Skywalker [A New Hope] x2 Agen Kolar x4
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