Selling my account: 70gold packs Gladiator Deyla server asmodian: 3star 2* officer set full composite. mostly att5/crit9 forest popoku skin in black grendal +15 fused with 2star composite/regular at bottom extend +15 fused with 2*full composite crit/acc acc's got those 4* ones +3/5 and the ones u got after merge shugo event wings the best pve one's 5/6 hyperion set socketed missing a sword katalam jewel set in the wh are 12 mythical supps around 300kk 2 beritra parts bunch of manastones around 200 mb ones, 1mil ap 100 ceras and a augment bundle acc on deyla has 4 more 65 lvl characters : assasin 65 2x rank1 mythcal +13 with att/crit inside 2 parts abyss rest is arena gear, good for some easy fun pvp gunner 65 3 parts rank1 abyss, +10 weap and a grendal off hand cannon 65 cleric 3parts 65 abyss rank 1 65 templar nothing worth mentioning has almost 2kk abyss points and around 60 ceras, has hyperion weap Same account has 2 characters on thor elyos: AT, 4 parts abyss rank 1 , perfect stat dyna weap on +3 or so, didnt bother much with this char gladiator 65 4star: beritra pole +15 full composite 2* fuse , enhanced dyna greatsword +11 2* fuse, +15 extend full composite 2* set full composite att/crit mostly, full hyperion pole set socketed, 5/6 on beritra pole set, bunch of stuff on it answell, full forest popoku set not sold or skinned yet, around 100kk in cash over 100 ceras and 1 mil ap as a bonus with the purchase you get a thor elyos 65 assasin account full rank1 equiped with 2x weaps double para full composites and with a bunch of characters on lvl 30 for events and 70 gold packs with alot of serums still left from vet rewards wsp me or write here with a price, open to everything , laterz