Sold Selling my 180k might Android account. TOP 1000...

Discussion in 'Castle Clash Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell CC Account' started by Nathan Reich, 4/27/16.

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  1. Nathan Reich

    Nathan Reich
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    Selling my 180k might Android account. TOP 1000 Accounts in might. Main heros and talents below; talent then skill level. Mino- 8/8 wg 10/10. DEVO PD- 4/8 zerk 10/10. DEVO SM- 4/8 wg 8/10 VLAD- 6/8 wg 9/10 SB- 6/8 bw 9/10 DD- 5/8 scorch 8/10 AC- 3/5 revite 8/10 Aries- 3/5 revite 9/10 WL- 5/8 tenacity 8/10 SK- 2/5 Revite 8/10 Gh- 3/8 wg 8/10 Druid- 3/8 zerk 8/10 Reaper- 4/8 ld 7/10 Ork- 4/8 ld 7/10 pixie- 3/8 wg 7/10 cupid- 3/5 revite 9/10 DK- 3/5 condem 7/10 Treant- 1/8 revive 8/10 Val- 3/5 revive 8/10 PK- 3/8 Bbw 7/10 7k shards 15k fame ALOT of lvl 4 crest sets Farming HBM T and dungeon 4.10. MSG me on line NREICH or pm on Facebook.. TOP offer gets the account
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