Sold Selling Multiple characters on CORE

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Silvester983, 9/26/16.

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  1. Silvester983

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    Hello. Sale multiple characters on one account. I have no more time to play and that is why I am compelled to sell them. price agreement.

    1: Eviscerator lvl 100. Helios fighter r99 +5 1 SA, Maphr`s shirt +7, 16 AP

    Dual - ISS Hierophant lvl 97

    2: Iss Doomcryer lvl 88

    Dual Temple kinght lvl 51

    3: Eviscerator lvl 85 ( for zaken, Freya)

    Dual Othell wind Rider lvl 85 ( for the collection of crystals on SOA )

    4: Ertheia - Sayha`s Seer lvl 75

    5 : Othell Wind Rider lvl 85 ( For the collection of crystals on SOA )

    6: Eva Saint`s lvl 76

    7: Tyrr Maestro lvl 90 (luck 35+15=50 )

    Dual Fortune Seeker

    I've made for me that I play, but my wife had a baby and now I've got another hobby to play.
    sale without equipment

    Contact here or skype.
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