Selling Selling Multiple Accounts & Kinah in NA/Siel Asmo cheap and Instant Delivery!

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mr.Sinister, 12/1/16.

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  1. Mr.Sinister

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    I have the following accounts to sell

    1) Templar lvl 66 1* +2 30lvl (event chars)
    Rank 1 eternal PvP
    HP IS mythic set
    DPS mythic set
    Rank 1 pvp wings
    Price 60$

    2) Assasin lvl 66 +1 30lvl
    Discordant gear
    Mythic PVE set + Manastones bundles to socket w/e you like
    Price 30$

    3)Templar lvl 66 +3 lvl60 +3 lvl30 Total amount of chars 7
    Templar has some gear as well as the 65s Sorc/Ranger/Glad
    Price 70$

    4) AT lvl 66 +2LvL30
    PvE mythic Set
    Price 35$

    5)Glad lvl66
    PvP gear + Mythic PvE
    Price 30$

    6)5 Event Chars Price 20$ (Lvl 60 SM and lvl30-40 the other 4)

    7)2 Event Chars lvl 30 15$

    Most of the accounts have plastic surgery tickets !!!

    In addition I am selling 60B kinah 5.5$ per bill.

    For any further details for any account don't hesitate to contact me !
    All acounts are in Siel Server Asmo side.

    Contact me via
    Skype: thesailor31290
    Fb: (inbox msg)
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