Account #1: CW with Tensors. All legendary level 60, three belts for food. HR with Legendary beetle. Two Lightfoot Thiefs. 52 Characters. Full Bank, Guild Bank, Founders, all packs. Lots of Mounts. LOTS. All classes built except for SW and OP. Account #2: SW with Tensors. Good CW. 51 Characters. Founders Packs. Lots of Mounts. Lots of Legendary. Account #3: CW and HR are good. Lots of mounts. Lots of Legendary. Founders Packs. 44 Characters. Leadership 25+, 6-9 Slots (most at 7-8). All assets come with. I'm willing to have price discussions, but I'm not willing to be your entertainment. Leadership Army. Will make you around 150M per week during a 2 x RP weekend. Account #1: $1,200 Account #2: $800 Account #3: $600 Contact me on here, or skype themhoram