1. lvl 149 BL Capella honor rank 6 (175usd) 2. lvl 133 WI Neutral honor rank 4 (150usd) 3. lvl 169 FA Procyon (400usd) 4. lvl 138 FS Procyon (165usd) 5. lvl 134 BL Procyon (150usd) prices are very cheap alot cheaper then any leveling site let me know which account you would like prices are firm (sorry) account info comes with the email address the login info and all sub pws. If you want to move he character off the account you will have to do so yourself. I prefer paypal payments thank you. Thank you for stopping by I will updte the account list as i got more clients who want to sell their accounts. have a nice day. o.o FA please do you have a msn contact post here if you do and after trade please rate me Yes I do my msn is . ill be home in 4 hours from this reply to get all the info Also everyone feel free to check out my metin2 account for sale its a really good price looking to get rid of it asap thank you! PlayerUp.com/forum/meti...ml#post5327875 get on?