Sold Selling MR19 | 3k plati, All Primes = $100 USD

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Guze, 11/21/17.

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  1. Guze

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    I'm the owner of this account and after a long road i've decided to say goodbye to my love one.
    This account has allot of resources (pretty much wont need to grind anything ) in the foundry you have Allot of parts and sets (even so to make more plat, so much plat) mods you have a rating of 93k almost 100k so thats pretty much all the 'good' mods you'll need. So much for warframes you have all of them primed and regular (the ones that we're both prime and regular i deleted the regular for space slots [duuhhhh]) but if you wanna make a fuss then just go farm the regular for 2 hours and DONE.... Weapons you have all the good ones aswell with form-ad and whats left is just MR fodder pretty much.
    Archwing the same you just gotta grind the level and thats it (have all of them aswell) Syndicates Maxed at Cephalon Arbitrary Steel with every mod and allot of points to get the rest or trade for other syndicates. And i dont know other stuff ....

    Skype: live:noahguze
    Discord: Guze#2621
    Email: [email protected]

    For prof image link is here
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