Sold Selling mortal online gold , items and accounts

Discussion in 'Mortal Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by prosopopeya, 3/14/17.

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  1. prosopopeya

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    selling mortal online gold 20$ per 1k or 150$ per 10k. 18k in stock


    1st account 4 characters
    hybrid mage sword
    bowcrafter/shieldcrafter all lores

    2n account 4 characters
    1st alchemy (full lores and machine)
    2ns cooker (full lores and machine)
    3er hybrid pvp mage tamer
    4art miner woodchoper futll lores

    3er account 4 characters
    mounted archer pvp full
    refiner all up without cronite ogh
    hunter bucher full lores
    pvp warrior

    4art account 4 characters
    refiner with hig lores ogh cronite...
    pvp sword archery

    5 account
    pvp dagger

    ***Ítems mats ***

    12833 Steel 500g per stack
    122539 volcanic ash -- 300g all or 4 g per stack
    54038 pyrite --150g all
    143244 granum powder --- 40g all or 4g per stack
    7212 dense crepite + 240 crepite ---90 g ALL
    10949 copmpact horn + 436 great horn ---- 20g all
    Tier 3 expansión tower deed 350g
    Tier 1 shop expansión for tower deed 350g
    Cronite Sword 100% Spw Spw 70g
    10 red prepatch tindremic shield 100% durability 150g each
    located in tindrem

    1126 cuprite in jungle camp storage all for 700g

    ***Magic Scrolls***

    **spirtism **

    4 Expel Spirit
    9 mental healing
    8 mental projectile
    6 kau regeneration
    12 transcendental awareness
    3 ether momentum
    5 ether barrier

    **dragon magic **

    7 Dragon charm
    9 dragon tongue
    10 dragon friendship
    9 dragon protection
    7 dragon vision
    12 heal dragon
    13 mental shield
    9 paralyze
    7 soul bound

    **necromancy **

    13 animate skeleton
    14 cursed breath
    1 sacrificial heal

    **symbolism **

    1 attract
    1 cecity
    1 heal
    1 scare
    1 defense
    1 guardian
    1 force
    1 block teleportation
    1 numb
    1 prevent

    **staff magic ***

    2 blood Rain
    2 Earth Shake
    2 Disarm
    2 Light Source
    2 Fire Vortex
    2 Staff Projectil
    2 Spider Web
    2 Melliorate
    2 lighting Call
    2 Thunder
    2 Sphere
    2 Light Projectil
    1 Staff Snakei

    **Elementalism **

    3 fire orb

    **Animism ***

    3 bug swarm
    4 calm beast
    7 camouflage
    3 claws
    2 cold friend
    3 Digestive Belly
    4 Expel Beast
    5 Eagle Wings
    5 expel Bug Swarm
    4 fire friend
    5 fog
    4 grow
    3 Heal Beast
    3 Healing Touch
    2 neutralize poison
    5 shrink
    5 summon storm
    4 wind control
    4 wind arrow

    4 limpid
    4 distraction
    3 diaphanous movement
    3 illusion skyline
    4 reveal illusion
    4 illusion copy
    3 physiognomy
    4 Quietude
    5 perfect illusion
    5 intrercepting
    3 ghost voice
    3 hide portal

    11 rituals
    13 Staff construction
    14 artifact construction

    icq me 313686972

    Skype [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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