Sold Selling [Moonsea EU] Occultist 370+ might 210+ gearscore with e-mail and name change.

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hadrijan, 11/21/17.

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  1. Hadrijan

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    As it says in the title selling occultist 370k + might, 210k + gearscore, Moonsea server EU, with the e-mail data and a namechange certificate that can be used upon login. Perfect for assassin swap also.

    Comes with full 79 gear, active set bonuses, soul grid (level 5-6), and 3 months premium in web inventory. All sockets and tier bonuses open and with level 4-5 pvp / pve marks. Weapons +16, rest 13+. Rolled and optimized venerations, high level activated daos. High level social skill with 30+- crafting professions, enough experience points to customize the crafting tree, and a lot of extra furniture in inventory for housing system.

    The account started with the deluxe pack so has the 5 man cat mount & wings, and a variety of fashion bought and earned through ingame events / achievements.

    For more information pm here or leave your discord tag in pm, can provide screenshots.

    Price: 300 euro but taking offers also. Preferred payment: Skrill.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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