Sold Selling [Moonsea EU] 79lvl Occ 370k might 205k EQ ratting

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cadeyrn, 12/6/17.

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  1. Cadeyrn

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    Occultist lvl 79, 370 k might and equ ratting 205 k . + email.

    12 x tier 5 pvp dmg marks, 7 tier V pvp def marks + 2 tier IV pvp def marks , full tier 4 pve marks, 5 parts of equ +16(funland earring in it) rest +13, Main Hand and Offhand with almost max Refinement for +13, premium till end of december, Crafting: Alchemy 35 lvl cooking 32 lvl , 1 x stack of Azure Phlogistons (enouge to make whole equipment +16), 5 stacks of Divine Daoes(needed for 3* stars skill upgrade) , All specials skill 10/10 daos except 3* which are 7/10 but can be made 10/10 with divine daoes in backpack. Top 1 clear Tittle in one of raids, all raids finished on 3* except EC, Soul Grid tier 5-6. Delux pack account.
    as a bonus RO account come with very well developed Armored Warfare account as they are both part of my com. This account can be ez made top 2 in might ranking in occ class with little effort.

    Price:450 $ (taking offers as well)
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