Selling Selling monsters and account

Discussion in 'Dark Summoner Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 2/24/15.

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  1. Games

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    I am quitting the game and am selling off my monsters, ep and Tyranny account. I accept payments of ep or money sent via pay pal. Prices are based off of approximate trade market[​IMG] values and are not # unless you can site a cheaper one with the same skill in the trade market, I will then match it, ep sells at .4/1.

    If interested kik: shadowsun6
    I will try to answer[​IMG] asap, I am on U.S. Eastern Standard time (EST) so there may be time difference.
    All monsters listed are max level and skill unless specified otherwise.

    272 ep - $108
    AAA+ Psycho
    Nightmare Diablo: Dea - 260ep / $104
    Bringer of Anguish: Imp dwn - 190ep / $75
    Winged Mother Eckx: Ipa - 225ep / $90
    Enemy of All: Ded - 220ep / $90
    The Connector: H up - 300ep / $120
    Burning Moon Lhune: Ipa - 450ep / $180 Rare and holding value[​IMG]
    Stormy Charybdis: Venom breath - 280ep / $110
    Eternal Nightmare Kry: Ipd - 320ep / $125
    Dragon of Eclipse: Ded - 240ep / $95
    Zodiac Arrow Zhaxin: H up - 380ep / $150
    Erasing Wind Ventus: no skill, level 102 - 150ep / $60
    AAA+ Cypher
    Dragon of Distortion: Dea - 360ep / $140

    AA+ Psycho
    Thunder Dragon: H up - 50ep / $20
    Steel Wing Raminas: H up - 40ep / $16
    Dragon of Unrest: Agility - 165ep / $66
    Occult Dragon Sage: Dea - 35ep / $14
    Sacred Light: Ded - 45ep / $18
    Frozen Silver Dragon: Ipa - 40ep / $16
    Resilient Dragon: Ipa - 70ep / $28
    AA+ Cypher
    Dragon Blade Kai: Cov down - 60ep / $24

    AAA Psycho
    Zodiac Goat Kaba: no skill, level 1 - 60ep / $24

    Some of these are in the trade market and may not be available.
    9 Random Skill Spirits - 7ep each, all for $25
    Soul of skills - 23ep / $10
    Upper Attack Spirit - 16ep / $6
    Lower Attack Spirit - 9 ep

    Not sure how to price account but asking $100, think its fair
    Account: Android - Shadowsun
    Age 428 days / level 163 within 4000 exp to level up / Energy 526 / Battle[​IMG] points 515 / Good stat % decreasing relica / 866 Jewels / 15 My Battle Potions / 340 flesh stone of vitality / 40+ all other Flesh stones / 1+ most Dark lord crystals / 103 Area reached in missions / Attack History 1523 Wins - 125 loss / Defense History 560 wins - 211 loss / 8, 842, 385 gold / 1,035 soul points / 20,213 ally points / 40 free dark summons / 1 Anima summon
    AAA+ Azure Knight Dyadra: Dea - all maxed
    AA+ crawling agony Zarcus: Imp down - all maxed
    Psycho Ex
    All final forms of Ex Winged Brute Divine Judgment Enve: none max level or skill but have some work done
    final forms Harsh Sorrow, Sweet Slumber, Eternity's End Anarta level 1, skill 1
    Cypher Ex
    Carnal Laufen: H up(6) level 27
    Infinity Laufen: Ipa(20) level max
    Ruinous Laufen: Ipd(5) level 6
    Tenacious Laufen: Ded(11) level 47
    Other assorted AA+, AA and numerous skill stacks come with account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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