Selling MoE Account 220M Might (Realm 95)

Discussion in 'March of Empires Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Schindi, 6/4/17.

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  1. Schindi

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    Hello all :)

    I want to sellmy MoE Acc with ~220M Might in Top 10 Alliance on Realm 95. The actual Gold amount is 175.000 and increases every day.

    All important researches are done, T5 of course unlocked.
    Champ is Level 65 with good equipment for everything you want to do! (Level 7 Slaver camps with just a few T1 losses possible)

    Inventory full of all necessary items e.g. Pieceshields for more then one year, all kind of boosts, lottery tickets, royal lottery tickets, resource boosts and so on.

    Price: 200€ (Paypal prefered). The account will be given with the Gmail account on that it's connected.

    If you are interested and want to see some screens, just contact me on Line. My ID is: schindi123
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