Sold Selling Mobile strike 43.6tt power account, level 84 hq, 325 vip, 183 co, in 503 weid

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by JamboUK1, 9/14/17.

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  1. JamboUK1

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    Selling my account as I no longer have time to play. I have invested a lot of money and over a year and a half into this account.

    I am still playing the account and will continue to do so until it sells, current levels may change slightly (probably for the better) but are as follows:

    • Power 43.6TT
    • HQ Lvl 84
    • All base operational buildings at Lvl 83 or 84
    • Auxillery buildings mostly at Lvl 65 with Assault vehicle hanger at 100, troop academy at 20
    • T11 troop researched with 9 of 12 T12 troops researched
    • Level 5 M3CH4 boosted to 44
    • Divine Annihilation gear fully enhanced and leveled to 2951, with MODs upto Lvl 44
    • Most research complete with Prime combat and some others to finish (65.5T research power)
    • 2.3Bil gold
    • Loads of resources and speed up crates, currently 1.69B 10B speed ups plus many more

    Located in state 503 WEID, highly populated and very active. Currently with a great alliance. Check out the screen grabs.

    Payment preferred via PayPal and i'll change account to your email on receipt of funds. Message me on here.

    Asking far less than invested. £125 UK, $175 US, Euro140. Bargain!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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