Sold Selling midgame account Level 35 | 13 SSR with 200+ pulls left |

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Amane08, 5/23/21.

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  1. Amane08

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    Selling SEA Counterside Account

    Account Lv35
    Quartz 9618 + 137 tickets
    Silver Rank PVP

    Can change name with 990 gems

    13 SSR ( 3 DUPES)
    Seo Yoon+XIao Lin+Kyle+Esterosa+2x Elizabeth Pendragon+3x Shin Jia+Yang Harim+Nanahara Chifuyu+Nanahara Chinatsu

    6⭐ SSR units: Xiao Lin,
    5⭐ SSR units: Nanahara Chifuyu, Shin Jia, and Kyle

    Has many cubes for easy limit break
    Has good gear and can farm for more

    - Main story normal and hard cleared
    - All Daily...

    Selling midgame account Level 35 | 13 SSR with 200+ pulls left |
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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