Selling Selling mi female lvl 80 mage Server US East....

Discussion in 'Wartune Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Djordje Djukic, 12/13/15.

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  1. Djordje Djukic

    Djordje Djukic
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    Selling mi female lvl 80 mage Server US East. LVL 4 Draon Soul warlock. BR 1104911 with bw. clothes all at lvl 4 high commander battle protection shields wood,iron,copper,silver,gold with 8 to 11 resistance cristals. Reduce res 5,5,6. Dragon sole core lvl-8 soon lvl 9 with 1500 sole cores in inventory Have 8 eudas : Archer lvl 9 br; 744344 mage;447160 and 1 more mage,scourge mage,sh,sm,blod warior and 1 more s hanter. Have 5 Sylphs. gold Zeus,gold watter,hades,purple fire hound,blue wind, blue light.... All cards unloked and 100% Soul engraving lvl 57 Fate lvl 20 83140 Forgoten catacombs lvl 100 Tormented Necropolis lvl 30 Purgatory Maze lvl 14 Im at wery good guild and playing these game almost 3 Years. Wery hard for me to leave these game,but dont have time for her anymore. If someone wna buy mi toon,free to pm me on facebook. and we can make an agreement. Also will send more of my toon if some1 is interest.
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