Selling Selling MFF account

Discussion in 'Marvel Future Fight Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pikaczu, 3/30/16.

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  1. pikaczu

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    Hello everyone. I am addicted to this game. I'm playing it daily from about 1 year. Because of no time to play I decided to sell my account. I am level 60 and got all characters except Carnage and BO. I have 45 six stars heroes and 27 uniforms. Most of my characters are above the 30 level. They are also equipped well. My alliance is on level 27 and we are in top 100. My ab score is easily more than 1200000. I am vip lvl 2 , and have activated stark stash for about 25 day more. Also got 6 star ranku up ticket and 2 x 100 bio selectors . My cards activeted are 3 x legendary and 2 x heroic. I have 3 activated effect on them. Please send me your proposition on [email protected].
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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