Sold [Selling] Methods for selling large amounts of gold safely? (Legacy)

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KeelAA, 7/22/17.

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  1. KeelAA

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    Hello all,

    This isn't a normal sell offer per-se, but this seemed like the most relevant place to post a question on how to go about safely selling. (Apologies if that's against the rules; I didn't see a "No questions" tag on this forum)

    I'm looking to quit AA, and after years of playing I have a lot of value in my legacy Archeage account: Somewhere in the 900k - 1.1m gold range. For a while now I've been working on liquidating it via the AH into gold and assets that I can hopefully RMT easily. So far, I've converted it to about 400 Apex, 200k raw gold, and most of the rest is still locked up in stuff like regrade charms, duuns blessings, lucky points, etc.

    All of it is from legit play/no bots/no mods, and on a single account. Mostly made it all via auction house flipping and manipulation. I've never actually even bought gold before.

    So being that I have no experience with RMT, I'm hoping the people here who are gold trading veterans might be able to comment or share some wisdom: What are some methods that are effective for selling/trading large quantities of gold between players in AA without getting caught by Trion? I'm currently extremely paranoid about it, lol.

    I wouldn't be so worried if I had less gold to sell, but with 900k I'm afraid that I'll manage to sell maybe 100-300k, then have my account banned for selling gold and lose the majority of the rest of the value in my account and years of playtime.

    I've considered trying to just sell the account itself as a whole and avoid the issue of multiple gold selling transactions entirely.... but even at the cheapest rates of gold and going through a site like PA or other 3rd party middleman services that "Guarantee" or insure account sales, I feel like I won't be able to find someone who wants to drop like $5k USD on a single AA account, particularly with the stigma I've read about with people scamming by selling accounts and then reclaiming them later by claiming they were stolen even a year or more down the road. (Worth a try listing the account anyway?)

    Anyone have any advice on methods that Trion doesn't track for selling gold? How do you guys go about it? Is Apex safer to trade/sell to other players than gold at this point?
    Is it better to buy a piece of overpriced land off someone? Join the family of the person you are selling to and place a stack of Apex into a storage chest that they own?

    If selling to a gold reseller, how do they buy from you in a way that you won't get banned?

    I still have a large amount of valuable items like stacks of red regrades and superior red regrades - Should I even bother converting them into gold, or would it be safer to try and sell them off as they are?

    Really interested to hear from people. I've been remarkably unsuccessful in locating any sort of discussion forums where people discuss about the actual methods and # around selling gold safely in this game, as opposed to just advertisements to buy/sell.
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