Selling Selling Merger 511 / VIP 11 / Legendary 4,5 Star / Level 90 /

Discussion in 'Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bloodspirit, 12/15/16.

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  1. bloodspirit

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    One mistake: im VIP 12 and not 11 :D
    I have sold already one big account here so this is my second account. Everything worked out well with selling the first one so u can be save that im no scammer ;-)

    WTS my lvl 90 Magic Rush Account (level 90).
    Hero prayer: lvl 14 (1 heroe with 3 dots, 12 heroes with 2 dots and 5 with 1 dot)
    Talents: 2 Heroes over 40%, 3 Heroes over 35%, 5 heroes over 10%, 11 heroes over 1% (activated talents 106, level 5-7)
    Academy: lvl 80 (tech everything nearly 80 / 70 / 40)
    Crystal Dungeon: 126
    Legendary: Theresa 4,5 Stars
    Gold Star Heroes: 11 Hero
    Silver Star Heroes: 4 Heroes
    War guardian: easy full points every day
    Awakened heroes: 5 Heroes
    Ressources: over 2000000 ress
    VIP: 12
    Bag: over 40 relocation cards, over 900 ressources packs, 14 shields, way over 900 crystal dungeon items, way over 1500 souls, 5000+ runes
    Im in one of the best guilds of Merger511.
    I have got more than 10 Heroes orange+. (10 Heroes orange +3 and max runes)
    35 heroes are on max Level. (29 of them are at 99/100 xp capped)
    If u buy this account u are in a good spot to stay in a good position in arena and got connections to the strongest players of this server. With brawl, arena and fortnight alone u get every day over 250 dias for free. I have got no real enemys on this server. I have got millions of gold.
    U can get even stronger if u put some more money in and bring theresa to a fully 5 star hero. She is awesome and supports u like crazy in brawl, cd, arena, crusade and so on...

    PM your offers here or in whatsapp/mail.
    If u are interested write me in Whatsapp +4917681206268.
    Or an email : [email protected]
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