Sold Selling MelteD's Hand done boosting services [EUW & EUNE region] Duo & Solo available

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by Danielasham, 7/31/17.

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  1. Danielasham

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    My apologys for not making a whole new thread and art for my EU boosts I haven't had the time and I will as soon as possible but just a little about my boosting services and EU I never used to do it in this region so im excited so announce I am finally comimg to EU

    Prices may be less OR MORE considering you are paying in Euros and my usual payment method is US so definitly a + side for people in EU just contact me on skype to discuss prices
    prices fluctuate a'lot depending on your gain / loss and my demand!

    I can almost guarentee I will finish faster than any elo boosting website out there I do every job myself and can give you an accurate estimate / time frame and can guarantee
    safety of the accounts I play on when you work with me you will get the best prices and an understanding person that is willing to help for free. I have never had a bann in my boosts
    before but IF it did happen and you provided me proof that it was 100% from me boosting on your account full refunds would be strongly considered but again its NEVER happened!

    This is my NA thread which is basically the same for some vouche's!

    For vouches and reputation thank you! for any inquiries please contact me on skype : Danielasham (no spaces or anything just how you see it)
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