Hello, Selling my mcoc account. 185k pi, 4050 prestige. Strong AQ and AW offense and defense. It includes expensive masteries such as Pure skill level 5, willpower, lc and de lvl 3, despair, deepwound, and assassin lvl3. A lot of t4cs saved up for additional rank ups or for possible 5* champions. ROL, Coulson, Ming quests finished. Gaming Email included. Add me on line for any question and offers: elmer031 or PM me here. ONLY reasonable offers. No trades. PAYPAL only. Thanks. http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1473363041/l7xm9loba08cukm5erui.jpg http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1473362220/uptepne9xq0gf1gfekfb.jpg