Sold Selling Maxed Decepticons level 75 base. 521+ days. 30 4*s 105,535 power. 134/160 bots

Discussion in 'Transformers Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xwozone, 11/8/17.

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  1. xwozone

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    Maxed Decepticons level 75 base. 521+ days as of 11.07.17 30 4*s 105,535 power. 134/160 bots Asking 1000OBO
    I have spent $2500 or more on this account.
    I war daily for sparks.
    A team power 13,196
    B team power 10,926
    C team power 9,852

    1 gold PC (Vitality 7%)
    4 silver PC (Attak 3% x2, Vitality 4% x1, Tactician 28 seconds)
    88 bronze PC

    9003 metals

    105,535 power and counting. Playing daily still on wars and weekend events.

    30 4*s
    Deathsaurus Ability 8 Lvl 55
    Bonecrusher Ability 8 Lvl 55
    Tantrum Ability 6 Lvl 52
    Onslaught Ability 8 Lvl 54
    Starscream Ability 8 Lvl 54
    Skywarp Ability 8 Lvl 54
    Blastoff Ability 8 Lvl 54
    Brawl Ability 8 Lvl 52

    Hook Ability 7 Lvl 53
    Mixmaster Ability 7 Lvl 54

    Bludgeon Ability 6 Lvl 51
    Straxus Ability 6 Lvl 48
    Galvatron Ability 6 Lvl 48
    Scavenger Ability 6 Lvl 53
    Slipstream Ability 6 Lvl 52
    Viper Ability 6 Lvl 51
    Vortex Ability 6 Lvl 54
    Breakneck Ability 6 Lvl 51
    Kickback Ability 6 Lvl 53
    Bombshell Ability 6 Lvl 51
    Dragstrip Ability 6 Lvl 51
    Longhaul Ability 6 Lvl 51

    Skrapnel Ability 5 Lvl 51
    Nightbird Ability 5 Lvl 48
    Cyclonus Ability 5 Lvl 51
    Barricade Ability 5 Lvl 47
    Thundercracker Ability5 Lvl 44

    Scrapper Ability 4 Lvl 38
    Nemesis Prime Ability 4 Lvl 46

    Breakdown Ability 1 Lvl 27+

    47 3*s 19 maxed
    43 2*s are maxed
    14 1*s are maxed

    Sparks: 142,000 sparks and counting
    Successful Defenses: 399+
    Battles won: 23,516+

    Devastator 4* 1990 power Level 7
    Bruticus 3* 1740 power Level 6
    Predaking 3* 1360 level 3

    Contact on LineID punkrockoffspring with offers. Will update with levels/abilitys of the 3stars.

    Paypal required
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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