Sold Selling Master account (23xx) with 5 EX(s), 1700 gems

Discussion in 'Pokemon Masters Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by supdun, 3/12/17.

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  1. supdun

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    Selling my account: message me or comment below if interested.

    Account has 5 EX(s) and 17 rares. Because I have so many gems (1700 gems worth $60) and I spent quite some money on this game I would like at least $40 for the account.

    I managed to get to the highest rank (Master, 2300+). So every booster you will get will contain the highest possible attainable figures.

    See pictures for list of figures. I have all viable plates (Hurdle jump, goal block, X Defend), and a lot of unused blue cubes.

    Hope we can get to a good price! :)


    Edit: Screenshots are old, obtained a zapdos, 200 gems and the rares salamence and wigglytuff.
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