Selling Mass Runescape Gold (Secure Paypal!)1.15$/per Mil

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    Hey guys, We have a HUGEEE stock of gold, over 10bil ready to sell. You do go first, but that wouldn't be a problem since we have a secure payment solution through paypal. No more sending payments by gift, this way if you dont receive your order, you can simply dispute on paypal and receive your payment back. (Note, we DO record EVERY order we send out, so theirs no way you can scam us.) Prices start from 1.40$ PER MIL! But if you buy over 5m its a flat rate of $1.15 per mil! If you are interested, please Email me at, xxfuzzballxx@ : xxfuzzballxx@ (this is my messenger, please dont email me on this contact, it is only used for messenger purposes, send email's through contact.) Thanks.
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