Selling Selling Marvel future fight # anniversary packs, tier 2 and limited packs

Discussion in 'Marvel Future Fight Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by beckok, 4/28/17.

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  1. beckok

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    Dear agents,

    Exclusive # from admins who played and coded the game for 2 years, since beta patch. Most packs are # between 40%-60%.

    Anniversary pack: 55 dollars/ limited 2 pack per week
    Tier 2 pack: 50 dollars/ limited 2 pack per week
    5,500 + 5,500 + bonus 1,750 crystals for 55 dollars
    And many more packs from 10 dollars to 50 dollars, included limits and tonys
    Buy more than 10 packs, or 5 transaction, you are eligible for further #

    We bought wholesales about $50,000 of Itunes gift cards to be able to get this # on all apps. So all the transactions are safe.

    Accept transaction via Paypal, Moneygram, Xoom, etc.

    If you have question, please feel free to contact our FB page:

    Or Gmail: [email protected]

    or on line at: Duoc Do id: 8951217

    We are from Vietnam, and have clients from Indo, Malaysia, The philippines, Thailand, Russia, the US and Canada

    - - - Updated - - -

    Contacts if you have any questions
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