1. US SEASON 30 PARAGON 2665+TOP DH/BARB+FULL ALTAR+22 PETS+6500GR+EXTRA STASH US SEASON 30 PARAGON 2665+ TOP ACCOUNT + FULL ALTAR + ADDITIONAL STASH TAB + COMPLETE SEASON JOURNEY + VERY MANY HELLFORGE EMBER (300+) + SHARD OF HATRED ALL (EACH 50+) + INFERNAL MACHINE (EACH 1245+) + BOUNTY (5715-6450 EACH) + PETRIFIED SCREAM (100+) Account Ready to Patch 2.7.7 PROFILE - us.diablo3.blizzard.com/en-us/profile/Bloody-25288/hero/151965257 If profile don't open then you can see actual profile on - maxroll.gg/d3/d3planner Just click - import/save and paste - Bloody-25288 (Do not forget add paragon points) SCREENSHOTS - https://imgur.com/a/5H3V5iv#iuZtSUr If you want to see actual screenshots or info just write me and I'll send them to you; 21 Pets + Wings (Terror, Prime Evil, Sanguine Flight) + Frame + Unique transmogs + Pennants. Price - 135 usd 2. US SEASON 30 PARAGON 2680+TOP CRUS/BARB+FULL ALTAR+21 PETS+5230GR+EXTRA STASH US SEASON 30 PARAGON 2680+ TOP ACCOUNT + FULL ALTAR + ADDITIONAL STASH TAB + COMPLETE SEASON JOURNEY + VERY MANY HELLFORGE EMBER (435+) + SHARD OF HATRED ALL (EACH 50+) + INFERNAL MACHINE (EACH 1175+) + BOUNTY (5625-6945 EACH) + PETRIFIED SCREAM (100+) Account Ready to Patch 2.7.7 PROFILE - us.diablo3.blizzard.com/en-us/profile/Executioner-22311/hero/151965329 If profile don't open then you can see actual profile on - maxroll.gg/d3/d3planner Just click - import/save and paste - Executioner-22311 (Do not forget add paragon points) SCREENSHOTS - https://imgur.com/a/6yGE2eC If you want to see actual screenshots or info just write me and I'll send them to you; 21 Pets + Wings (Terror, Prime Evil, Sanguine Flight) + Frame + Unique transmogs + Pennants. Price - 135 usd 3. EU SEASON 30 PARAGON 2705+TOP DH/CRUS+FULL ALTAR+EXTRA STASH+21 PETS+5555GR EU SEASON 30 PARAGON 2705+ TOP ACCOUNT + FULL ALTAR + ADDITIONAL STASH TAB + COMPLETE SEASON JOURNEY + VERY MANY HELLFORGE EMBER (530+) + SHARD OF HATRED ALL (EACH 50+) + INFERNAL MACHINE (EACH 1250+) + BOUNTY (11025-12705+ each) + PETRIFIED SCREAM (110+) Account Ready to Patch 2.7.7 PROFILE - eu.diablo3.blizzard.com/en-us/profile/Scream-24384/hero/169646214 If profile don't open then you can see actual profile on - maxroll.gg/d3/d3planner Just click - import/save and paste - Scream-24384 (Do not forget add paragon points) SCREENSHOTS - https://imgur.com/a/MuhTU0i If you want to see actual screenshots or info just write me and I'll send them to you; 21 Pets + Wings (Terror, Prime Evil, Sanguine Flight) + Frame + Unique transmogs + Pennants. Price - 135 usd 4. EU SEASON 30 PARAGON 2735+TOP BARB/DH+FULL ALTAR+21 PETS+5555GR+EXTRA STASH EU SEASON 30 PARAGON 2735+ TOP ACCOUNT + FULL ALTAR + ADDITIONAL STASH TAB + COMPLETE SEASON JOURNEY + VERY MANY HELLFORGE EMBER (300+) + SHARD OF HATRED ALL (EACH 50+) + INFERNAL MACHINE (EACH 1050+) + BOUNTY (5495-7105 EACH) + PETRIFIED SCREAM (100+) Account Ready to Patch 2.7.7 PROFILE - eu.diablo3.blizzard.com/en-us/profile/Knife-21365/hero/169646429 If profile don't open then you can see actual profile on - maxroll.gg/d3/d3planner Just click - import/save and paste - Knife-21365 (Do not forget add paragon points) SCREENSHOTS - https://imgur.com/a/XdaV8jZ If you want to see actual screenshots or info just write me and I'll send them to you; 21 Pets + Wings (Terror, Prime Evil, Sanguine Flight) + Frame + Unique transmogs + Pennants. PS: If you are considering buying this accounts or any other, but you want some more info like gear screenshots or whatever you can contact me via private message. I also have many other accounts (season 30 eu/season 30 us/non season eu/non season us, paragon 1000-6500+, different classes and good price. Just write me. - Discord: Karlos#2889 - Skype: Machete Karlos - Mail: [email protected]