Selling Selling many cheap accounts must see !!

Discussion in 'Tibia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by masterjoker, 10/4/17.

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  1. masterjoker

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    Accounts for sell right now

    1.131 RP Xylana with 101 MS Antica rp skills 93/79 full oriental and some mounts, no eq and no quest (poi,inq,wote) only access ms have 59mlvl 300k gp in bank some items accounts have 27 days pacc (10.05) 1200TC
    2.150 EK and 75 MS Nerana skills 90/83 ms 54mlvl EK have full eq on lvl access quests only (no poi,inq,wote) + 2imbue items. full assassin addon and citizen. account have 13 days pacc (10.05) and 290 TIBIA COINS 2200TC
    3.160 MS Morta mlvl 74 some quests done acces quest without eq GRATIS CONF KEY 1000TC

    *All my accounts have a recovery key and personal data is on me
    All my accounts hasn't warning they are transfable

    If u want screenshot just write right here or PM me :
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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