Sold Selling Mabinogi Account, Mari Server, Lots of Stuff

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Fantasy Life Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by identityzero, 10/12/16.

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  1. identityzero

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    Hi there. I've been playing Mabinogi off and on for about six or seven years. I lost interest in the game long ago and don't see myself ever coming back. I'd hate to let all my progress go to waste. This account has a bunch of pets, and a ton of items many of which are rare or impossible to get, or can only be acquired through certain events or gacha. I'm asking $100 flat for everything, but if you see something that stands out to you, I might be persuaded to sell that off on it's own, and adjust the price accordingly. If you'd like to go through a third party system so that you're confident that you aren't getting scammed, we can do that, but any additional cost that comes from it will be yours to pay. Please feel free to post any questions.

    Giant, Cumulative level 1612, exploration level 104, MASTER KNIGHT
    AP Points - 1220
    Ducats - 224,919
    STR 233
    INT 133
    DEX 164
    WILL 208
    LUCK 70

    NOTABLE SKILLS - Daemon of Physis R1, Lance Mastery R1*, HEavy Armor Mastery R1, Shield Mastery R1, Critical Hit R2, Lance Counter R1, Production Mastery R1, Fishing R1, Assault Slash R1*, Smash R1, Sword Mastery R5, Combat Mastery R1*
    Special titles - Lucky Snake, the courteous, homestead, SAO Nishida, Couple Breaker, In Wonderland

    Human, cumulative level 844, exploration level 59
    AP Points - 735
    Carrying --- Traditional Plateu Tribal Hat, Admiral's Coat, Hamlet's Boots, Light Gloves, Royal Pumpkin Rapier with R1 reforge, Cross Line Plate Armor
    Skills of note - Fire Mastery R1, Firebolt R1, Fireball R1, Fusion Bolt R2, Soul of Chaos R2, Playing Instrument R6

    This character was used primarily as an RP character. A lot of money was spent decking him out in what legitimately looks like a Captain Hook outfit.

    ---------- PETS ----------
    - free horse
    - Sprite (inv)
    - free eagle
    - White Jinzu (inv)
    - Shire Horse (inv)
    - Warp Imp (inv)
    - Pheonix (inv)
    - Nimbus (inv)
    - Bengal Tiger (inv)
    - Pegasus (gold and white) (inv)
    - free horse
    - Scooter (inv)
    - Cutie Sheep (inv)
    - Gingerbread Truck
    - Knitwear Penguin

    --------------- ITEMS WORTH MENTIONING -------------------
    LORNA'S ADVENTURE BAG - 10x10 inventory
    ITEM BAG - 8x6 inventory
    SIMON'S CLOTHING BAG - 10x14 inventory
    MUSIC SCORE BAG - 7x4 inventory (full of custom composed music you WON'T find from other players)
    LUXURY EQUIPMENT BAG - 10x14 inventory
    Tons of Homestead Seeds
    Tons of Homestead Items
    Kiosk (emptied)
    Knight Wing Plate Armor, Boots, Gloves (costs 1 gold per point to repair, extremely rare)
    Shield of Avon (auto defense melee 6% / magic 2%, DEF rate 7, Protection 2, Durability 18, etc.)
    Demonic Oculus Lance
    Soldier Waterdrop Hat
    Royal Knight Armor, gloves, boots
    Professor J Circle Outfit M
    Trudy Metal Glasses
    Halloween Vampire Suit
    Morrigan Coin
    Macha Coin
    Knight Lance - (Artisan 50 luck, STR 16, WILL 18)
    4x Rainbow Sheep Jumpsuit
    4x Rainbow Sheep Shoes
    2x Rainbow Sheep Gloves
    FULL MAD HATTER'S COSTUME M (costume, boots, hat)
    2x Alpaca Mascot Head
    Hermit Staff
    Twinkle Star Umbrella
    Style Suit M

    ---------------- IN BANK ------------
    GOLD - 1,915,452
    Tons of SE hp, mp, sp potions
    A bunch of title vouchers for events (good to sell or give to friends)
    4x Double combat skill EXP potion
    2x Double Fighter Skill EXP potion
    3x Double Alchemy Skill EXP potion
    1x Double Music Skill EXP potion
    4x Double Life Skill EXP potion
    2x Double Magic Skill EXP Potion
    8x Double Dual Gun EXP potion
    25x Adventure Seals
    4x Blue Upgrade Stones
    23x Ogre's Letter of Guaruntee
    21x Goblin's Letter of Guaruntee
    27x Imp's Letter of Guaruntee
    40x Ogre's Fine Letter of Guaruntee
    21x Goblin's Fine Letter of Guaruntee
    12x Imp's Fine Letter of Guaruntee

    -------------- ON PETS ------------

    sprite - misc potions, feathers, healing supplies
    jinzu - misc incomplete stacks of fomor scrolls
    shire - misc crafting materials
    warp imp - Fire crystals and spirit liqueurs
    phoenix- crown ice wand, R1 Reforged Pheonix Fire Wand, fire wand, lightning wand, EWECA LADECA AND PALALA SPELLBOOK, some guns
    nimbus - Lyre, Electric guitar, cello, wireless concert microphone, SOLAR GLORY VIOLIN, double sunbed, fishing chair for 2
    tiger - EMPTY
    pegasus- Halloween vampire boots, thames plate helmet, style sunglasses
    scooter - Tools
    cutie sheep - misc items
    gingerbread truck - loads of homestead seeds, 7 event title vouchers, CLAY FLUTE
    penguin - 11 event title vouchers, 2 +100 luck dishes
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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