Selling Lvlv 84 Rs Acc For Rs Gold!

Discussion in 'Runescape Gold for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by RS, 10/12/13.

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  1. RS

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    Some Stats include: ( the X's stand for the last digit 7X = somewhere between 70-79, etc.. used for protection of account ) 7X str 7X att 65 Def 68 Hits 75 magic 60 range 7X Mining 5X pray 6X fletch 7X Woodcut It it a nice all around account PM ME or Post on here, if interested, i can give extra info or include pics..... The Account includes a set of full rune, + a rune chain, rune b axe, rune schimmy, and other random items, it has run out of members as of late...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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