Sold Selling lvl99 Trans DiE and lvl90 Trans Arme both have all skills and passives unlock

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cesar01spinelli, 5/24/17.

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  1. Cesar01spinelli

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    I have a lvl 99 Transcended Diabolic Esper and a lvl 90 Transcended Arme Thaumaturgy BOTH have all skills and passives unlocked. I'm selling this account for low price bc i need the money. EACH CHARACTER has full +8 gear and costumes. Many other characters on there for free. SHARED BANK AS WELL, S RANK ON CHARACTERS. 100 dollars FIRM. I need the money ASAP.

    For more information you can write to my email
    [email protected]
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