Selling   Selling lvl102 ds account. Pg13/14.

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by johnnyb565, 1/21/18.

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  1. johnnyb565

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    Selling pg13/14 ds account lvl 102.
    Hi guys I am looking to sell my account. It is lvl 102 . Currently in pg13 but can get into pg14. Name change is available.
    Paypal is only acceptable payment method.

    3x 8/15 awk sk50 ani fk.(+1 base in storage)
    2x 8/15 awk sk50 grand inquiz
    8/15 ask sk50 fo stormtrooper
    2x 8/15 awk sk50 fifth brother inquiz
    8/15 awk sk50 old kylo
    2x 8/15 awk sk50 deathtrooper
    4/7 sk40 general veers
    2x 4/7 sk40 Palpatine
    4/7 sk40 old krennic (+2 base in storage)
    2x 8/15 awk sk50 seventh sister inquiz
    8/15 awk ani tfo (personal)
    8/15 awk sidious sd (personal)
    8/15 Bob a dfh (personal)
    16/31 awk+ Vader gt(personal)
    2x 8/15 Vader tpc
    4/7 plo koon (personal)
    4/7 Vader tie advanced (personal)
    Have multiple other *5 in storage etc.

    awk+ sk50 erg
    many pilots like tie pilot , fo tie pilot , gg etc.
    Many *4 that are emax+ etc lots of bases of *4 & *3 in storage

    Have all lvl5 blueprints for ships.
    also have support cards.
    evo1 personal vulptex.
    Base vulptex.
    Fo assault personal.
    Evo max galactic studies personal.
    industry of war personal.
    Demonstration of power personal.

    Other info have 120000 ap, 36,530,408 credits , 530 t remotes.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
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  2. PlayerUp

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