Sold Selling LVL 99 Tamer / Server: Lucemon 100USD

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ngochanphong, 2/18/17.

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  1. ngochanphong

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    LVL 99 Tamer / Server: Lucemon

    Server: Lucemon
    Tamer LVL: 99


    LVL 97 Alphamon - Jogress Unlocked
    LVL 95 OuRyuumon - Jogress Unlocked
    LVL 80 WarGreymon - Jogress Unlocked
    LVL 83 MetalGarurumon - Jogress Unlocked
    LVL 99 KaiserGreymon
    LVL 99 Azulongmon - Jogress Unlocked
    LVL 92 Baihumon - Jogress Unlocked
    LVL 66 Zhuqiaomon - Jogress Unlocked
    LVL 55 Ebonwumon - Jogress Unlocked
    LVL 97 Lucemon - Satan & Larva Unlocked
    LVL 70 Piemon - Apocalymon Unlocked
    LVL 65 Gallantmon - Crimson Mode Unlocked
    LVL 65 VictoryGreymon
    LVL 90 Z'dGarurumon
    LVL 94 Imperialdramon - Paladin Mode Unlocked / Lighdramon Unlocked
    LVL 77 UlforceVeedramon - Fradramon Unlocked
    LVL 52 Dynasmon
    LVL 59 Brakedramon
    LVL 38 Slayerdramon
    LVL 41 Sleipmon
    LVL 99 Betamon
    LVL 71 VenomVamdemon - BelialVamdemon Unlocked
    LVL 82 SaberLeomon - BanchouLeomon Unlocked
    LVL 77 Beelzemon - Blast Mode Unlocked
    + More

    Almost all the digimon are 110% or higher.


    Miracle Ring [Level 10] 200%
    Attack - 530
    Skill - 666
    Attack - 526
    Max HP - 1264

    Red Quadcore Necklace 200%
    Max HP - 1488
    Attack - 400
    Critical Damage - 36.04%
    Attack Speed - 29.42%


    5 Jogress Chip 1 Day Box
    1 Jogress Chip 7 Day Box
    1 Digiaura 30 Day Box
    2 Digiaura 15 Day Box
    188 Amplification Booster +200%
    35 Amplification Booser +1000%


    $100 USD
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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