Sold Selling Lvl 979 BF Global Acc/top 40 Guild

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Xexes, 9/17/17.

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  1. Xexes

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    General info
    level 979
    raid rank 6
    0 gems
    323,668,858 zel
    501,386,533 karma
    Over 60 omni units (with an abundant amount of 7*)

    MANY useful spheres and materials to craft even better spheres

    Quest + trails + summoner

    All 1st and 2nd Arc completed, 3rd Arc is only missing the newest map (last mission)

    All trials and SZ completed up to Maxwell DE

    Summoner Lvl 100 w/ AW

    Water: Lvl 70
    Fire: Lvl 68
    Earth: Lvl 33
    Thunder: Lvl 1
    Light: Lvl 51
    Dark: Lvl 80

    As you can see a lot of #-Tier units are in the account (Shion, Savia, Cardes, Ilm, Gabriela, Krantz, etc.)

    Many LE units including: Rain (FFBE), Lasswell, (FFBE), Lid (FFBE), Fina (FFBE), Galtier, Arthurx2 and Lancelot (Neo Avalon EU), Rahotep x3, Blaze OE x2

    and also GR Trophy Units: Ravea, Dessit... Along with GR ready units and GR leads

    this account is in one of the top 40 guilds, I'll give you the link to that discord once transaction is completed, I will also introduce you and make you feel at home with your new account and guild mates

    so please if interested
    and you would like to continue the legacy PM me, or message me on Discord: Xexes#4258
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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