have played a long time but am finding I have less and less time to play these days. not looking to make a killing, just want to recoup some of the money ive spent on it. I'm around 250-300 in arena. 133 crystal dungeon 83k shadow essence. came in 2nd place in a recent spend shadow essence event so all main hero equips have been freshly upgraded. also won a magic airship that I think lasts for 4 days when activated. (have 4 cool castle skins you get to have too lol) academy is kingdom lvl 82 techs are 81-82/80-82/36-40. resources stay in the 50k each area as I am always running the academy and haven't fought lately currently 3.2k diamonds over 10 mil gold. haven't sold off my inventory in a while so there's probably a good amount there too lvl 13 priest with 14 heroes 2dots 12 heroes 1dot 19 heroes at lvl90 or above 18 heroes gold or above 3 heroes gold star 2 heroes silver star 6 heroes 5 star with a few very close 8 heroes awakened with 1 very close prayer lvl 13 with 14 heroes 2 dots and 12 heroes 1 dot 224 activated talents. 1 hero with max captain skill and another very close main tank has a full set maxed out purple beast souls 4 heroes have maxed sets of blue souls with many heroes with 3 pices can almost always clear elite crusade 7/7 20k honor points and a few relo cards member of a very good alliance. close allies of the strongest alliance on the server. we fight alongside eachother regularly and often control the throne. I'm sure there's stuff I've left out, but ask me anything you like. I can provide pictures of everything on the account.