Sold Selling lvl 85 android whale account

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by OriginalJ, 9/20/17.

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  1. OriginalJ

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    Hi, I have used this account since launch and have spent thousands of pounds on data packs and crystals. Whilst I have invested so much into this game, I no longer have the time to play as religiously as i have in the past due to getting a new job which requires alot more of my time. As said in the title, this account is on Android and i have took the liberty of changing the account email to a fresh one in preperation for selling the account. I will only accept paypal payments as i don't have the time to actively spend all my time helping the buyer find an alternate payment method. Now I've told you a bit about the account and my current situation, I will display the contents of the account, Thanks.

    Event characters:
    R2-D2 - 7* - G12
    GM Yoda - 7* - G11
    CLS - 7* - G12
    GA Thrawn 5* - G11 (I have all phoenix toons at 7* and ranging from g8 - g11 ready for the next event)
    EP - 7* - G10

    I can't remember if there are any other limited time event characters that i haven't mentioned, although i have every character unlocked in the game apart from the new leia/han/yoda.

    Other rare characters:
    GK - 7* - G12
    Han Solo - 7* - G11
    General Grevious - 7* - G11
    Darth Vader - 7* - G11
    Darth Nihilus - 7* - G11
    AT Fulcrum 5* - G8
    VS CHewbacca - 4* - G8
    VS Han - 4* - G8

    I probably have other characters maxed out which are considered 'rare' although it's hard to keep track when you have such a wide roster.

    Gear levels:
    G12 toons - 3 (CLS, GK, R2)
    G11 toons - 37
    G10 toons - 14
    G9 toons - 7
    G8 toons - 11
    G7 toons - 14

    Character stars:
    7* - 95
    6* - 4
    5* - 6
    4* - 7
    3* - 5
    2* - 2

    R2 - Both
    Yoda - Lead
    Cls - Binds all things
    Darth Vader - Lead
    QGJ - Lead
    Han solo - Unique
    Cody - Lead
    Sidious - Unique
    Stormtrooper - Unique
    Thrawn - Unique
    Barris Offee - Unique

    My galactic power is currently 1,992,371 this number will increase as i will still be playing to maximize account value for the buyer. This account is insanely valuable, although my asking price is around £500 as i know the account is well worth that, i may be willing to knock down the price depending on various factors concerning the buyers financial situation.

    To contact me, send me an email at [email protected] as i will not be checking playerup regularly for responses. Thanks.


    Edit: My current reputation reads as, 'Pending Ban' I had a dispute with a seller in the past. I sent him the information to the account, although he persitently told me he could not gain access, although i recieved a notification telling me the password was changed and that he had gained full access of the account. He then demanded a refund and filed a complaint against me through playerup. Obviously i refused to refund the buyer as he had already secured the account which i was selling. I hope this dispute does not sway your decision in any way, although if it does then all the best to you. Thanks for your time.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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