Sold Selling lvl 80 TH9 Account

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Old Accounts | COC Accounts Sold' started by bendajo, 6/18/14.

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  1. bendajo

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    Price $:
    100€ / 135$
    Make Offer

    I'm going to sell my CoC account.
    It's lvl 80 with TH 9
    I spent around 200€/270$ and I like to have 100€/135$ for this account but its #.
    I prefer the payment via psc. Also the buyer go first, else with middleman.
    If you are interestet, send me a message here.

    Gems: 166
    Gold: ~140'000
    Elexir: ~1'500'000
    Dark Elexir: ~15'000
    Trophies: ~1'773

    Armycamp: 4x lvl 6
    Elexir Collector: 6x lvl 11
    Elexir Storage: 4x lvl 11
    Gold Mine: 6x lvl 11
    Gold Storage: 4x lvl 11
    Barracks: 2x lvl 10, 2x lvl 9
    Laboratory: 1x lvl 7
    Cannon: 3x lvl 9, 2x lvl 10
    Archer Tower: 6x lvl 9
    Walls: 151x lvl 6, 98x lvl 7, 1x lvl 8
    Wizard Tower: 4x lvl 4
    Air Defense: 2x lvl 4, 2x lvl 5
    Mortar: 3x lvl 6
    Clan Casle: 1x lvl 3
    Builder's Hut: 3x
    Hidden Tesla: 3x lvl 1, 1x lvl 2
    Spell Factory: 1x lvl 4
    X-Bow: 1x lvl 1
    King: 1x lvl 5
    Dark Elexir Drill: 2x lvl 3
    Dark Elexir Storage: 1x lvl 3
    Dark Barracks: 1x lvl 3, 1x lvl 5

    I dont want to list the traps :P

    Barbarien: lvl 5
    Archer: lvl 5
    Goblin: lvl 4
    Giant: lvl 5
    Wall Breaker: lvl 4
    Balloon: lvl 4
    Wizard: lvl 5
    Healer: lvl 3
    Dragon: lvl 2
    Pekka: lvl 1

    Lightning Spell: lvl 5
    Healing Spell: lvl 4
    Rage Spell: lvl 4
    Jump Spell: lvl 1
    Freeze Spell: -

    Dark Troops:
    Minion: lvl 3
    Hog Rider: lvl 2
    Valkyrie: lvl 1
    Golem: lvl 1
    Witch: lvl 1
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. CookiejarMonsta

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions Moderator Status (Non Employee): This account handles basic community support inquiries

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    Hello bendajo,

    Would it be possible for you to inbox me screenshots of the base? I'm highly interested!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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