LEVIAMON SERVER. LVL 59 TAMER MATT. ALPHAMON OURYUKEN UNLOCKED JOGRESS. (with 5/5) Impmon 5/5 max clon. lvl 87 Patamon 5/5 lvl 44 Terriermon 5/5 lvl 43 Dracmon 5/5 lvl 1 Palmon 5/5 lvl 45 Veemon 5/5 lvl 56 (with FM and everything) Agumon classic 5/5 lvl 41 Ryu and doru 5/5 (so 5/5 jogress ouryuken) lvl 67 both Gabumon and armadillomon are the only 4/5 digimons. lvl 41 both. ALL EVOS UNLOCKED. MORE THAN 4 YEARS OLD ACCOUNT (I was many time inactive, you have a bonus for the account time). More than 1000 dragon data (over 6T if you sell it) and 3T+ on inv. I have Starmon 4/5 and armadillomon 4/5 egg without hatching on warehouse. 110 evolutors (you wont have problems with it) post here your skype or method of contact. (mine is: eloyspain) Im looking for 80$ but i listen offers. http://dmo.gameking.com/ ACCOUNT.