Sold Selling Lvl 50 Mythic (Level 150) Good LENA EU

Discussion in 'Heroes of Incredible Tales Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FBUser6483, 10/24/17.

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  1. FBUser6483

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    Stats pvp :

    Lvl 120
    430k CP
    735k Survivabilty

    Capped/Maxed :
    Increase attack speed
    Critical rate
    Increase critical damage
    increase critical skill rate
    Reduce cooldown skill
    Damage reduction
    Reduce melee/ranged
    Pvp damage increase 80% maxed

    Pvp damage reduction 30% maxed

    Close to cap :
    Skill critical rate 32%
    Pvp damage increase 80%
    Chance hp on hit 10%
    movement speed 6.6

    Fully awakened main wep berserker, 4 emeralds all good options.
    Pet wep lvl 6 awakening ( best options on them as well )
    Armor awekning 10/10/7/2
    Pet lvl 30 (W) Golem equal to phoenix.
    Crest awakening lvl 11

    Additional info:
    (Alot of customes - new halloween and medical ones)

    All the other chars are around lvl 78-82. usable for mostly all ********.

    If you wanna see pictures or If your interested feel free to message me here or add me at line : dirkyolo
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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