Selling Selling Lvl 45, VIP 8, Server 387 Paganini

Discussion in 'Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Makit, 1/3/17.

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  1. Makit

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    I started playing this game again and decided I don't really want to invest my time into it even though I like it. I have a decent account on the server I am on but don't want to go to waste. The server I'm on is fairly new, was new earlier last week. I'm rank 15-20 Arena currently and in the second top Alliance who are about to be top.

    686 Diamonds
    1436k Gold
    4 Star: Yuan
    3 Star: Karas, Sebastian, Luke, Grunk, Chavez

    Not really sure what else to put, I've been out of the loop for a while now so don't know what needs to be known.

    Easiest way to contact me is from Skype: troveseller
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