Selling Selling Lvl 41 msl account for sale (edited with photos and price)

Discussion in 'Monster Super League Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gudejelly, 11/19/16.

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  1. Gudejelly

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    Selling lvl 41 MSL account
    Contact me on Skype @ Gudejelly if interested.
    Looking for ideally around 400USD ! Accepting Steam credits/Warframe items/paypal USD
    List of units :
    *1 more water gleem for a evo3 Wood Leo

    Gems of core units

    Nike - (Light Victoria Evo3)

    1: Triangle gem (5*)
    Base stats : 36% DEF (+9)
    Sub stats : Attack + 50, Defense +52, HP +2050, Crit Rate +5.5%

    2: Gem of Intuition (6*)
    Base stats : 68% Defense (+15)
    Sub stats : Crit Damage +13%, Attack +172, Resist +7%, Recovery +6%)

    3: Gem of Fortitude (6*)
    Base stats : 68% DEF (+15)
    Sub Stats : HP +13%, Recovery +56, Attack +15%, Recovery +7%

    Water Persephassa (evo2) -

    1: Triangle Gem (5*)
    Base Stats : 36% HP (+9)
    Sub Stats : Crit Rate +6%, Recovery +6.5%, Crit Dmg +6%, Defense +11%

    2: Triangle Gem (5*)
    Base Stats : 36% HP (+9)
    Sub Stats : HP +630, Recovery +54, Defense +106, Recovery +6%

    3: Gem of Intuition (6*)
    Base Stats : 68% HP (+15)
    Sub Stats : 6% Crit Rate, Defense +60, Resist +18%, Defense +13%

    Wood Leo (evo2, 2awaken, evo3 on Monday 0000) -

    1: Triangle Gem (5*)
    Base Stats : 36% HP (+9)
    Sub Stats : Crit Rate +6%, Attack +50, Recovery +48, Recovery +10.5%

    2: Gem of the Pugilist (5*) *NOTE* I have a 6* DEF gem that is waiting for +15
    Base Stats : 36% DEF (+9)
    Sub Stats : HP +4%, Crit Rate +5%, Recovery +106, Defense +108

    3: Gem of Protection (5*)
    Base Stats : 45% Defense (+12)
    Sub Stats : 20% Resist, Recovery +5%, Attack +50, Defense +98

    Dark Seastar/Kraken (evo3) -

    1: Gem of Vitality (6*)
    Base Stats : Defense +68% (+15)
    Sub Stats : Attack +7%, Crit Rate +19%, Recovery +168, Resist +8%

    2: Gem of Ruin (6*)
    Base Stats : Defense +68% (+15)
    Sub Stats : Attack +114, Crit Dmg +12%, HP+5%, Crit Rate +19.5%

    3: Gem of Conviction (6*)
    Base Stats : Defense +68% (+15)
    Sub Stats : Recovery +14%, Recovery +54, HP +9%, Attack +116

    List of astromons with DECENT gem, at least USABLE - Theria, Wood Cupid, Fire Arthur, Fire Fenris (Wildfang Evo2)

    Nat 5 units : 1x Water Perse (evo2 6*), 2x Fire Arthur (1x evo2, 1x evo1), 1x Fire Valk, 1x Water Nightmare and 1x Wood Valkyire (Total of 6 Nat 5s)

    Endgame/Good units : Evo2 Water Yuki, Evo3 Dark Gatito(Muscateer), Evo3 Dark Hunter (Van Helsing), Evo3 Wood Mona (4* only)
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