Sold Selling *lvl 300 us account with 20,000 jewels!!!! Nova 514*

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GameLover, 10/5/17.

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  1. GameLover

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    I will remain active until the account is sold. Account has 20,000 JEWELS!!! 14,700 jewels purchased in game cost $100 alone! Using 358/450 medal slots so tons of room to use those jewels! Please contact me on here or Line (ID apryll) for tons of screenshots of the stuff I have. I usually rank in the top 5k in both Coliseum and High Score Challenges. I have ALL the keyblades including a **lvl26**Dark Gnaw and a lvl32 Divine Rose. Great medals like a fully guilted Dark Riku with aerial and ground enemy def -60% and attack boost 4, illustrated Vivi with Extra Attack trait and second chance II ability, and more!! $125 with payment thru PayPal only.

    4 M&B medals and several premium medals to choose from to put them on

    Attack Boost 4 Max medal
    Attack Boost 4 Lux+ medal
    Attack Boost 3 Max Lux+
    ...and many more great ability medals!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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