Sold Selling lvl 124 montgomery(en)6x 6* 64x 5*

Discussion in 'Walking Dead Road to Survival Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by mrpi, 1/3/18.

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  1. mrpi

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    yumiko t3 lvl 80 ar 10/10 active 5lvl
    tyreese t3 l80 ar 10/10 active 5lvl
    abraham t3 l80 ar 2/10 active 1lvl
    mirabelle t3 l80 ar 10/10 active 1 lvl
    zeke t3 l80 ar 10/10 active 2lvl
    shane t3 l62 ar 10/10 active 1lvl

    trainers for 6*
    2x aden (ar)
    1x ulysses(universal active )
    1x alert(active)
    3x lilith (universal ar)
    4x strong(active)
    3x tough(active)

    FOR ASCEND 5* (03.01.2018)
    2xtyreese t4 l80 , t2 l3
    3x mirrabelle t1 l25 , t2 lvl 34 , t4 l65
    dwight t3 l56
    abraham t4 l76
    siddiq t4 l77
    wyatt t2 l1
    joshuat 1 l45
    7x benedicts (trainers)

    MAXED 5*
    larry ( drop lead) strong
    hershel (nutralize) tough
    skylar strong
    morgan( drop lead) strong
    eugene(no turning back) alert
    shane( drop lead) alert
    lee ( shield!!!!) strong
    victor fast
    tyreese fast
    richard(drop lead) tough
    randall (neutralize) fast
    !!! michonne (shield) fast
    glenn (waste not + heal)tough
    joshua (reviver +3turn stun ) alert
    andrea (2turn stun) alert
    ezekiel (survival road) strong
    jesus(survival road) tough
    jesus(reviver) tough limited edition
    tripp(tell tale) tough
    eugene (light reflex) fast

    Other 5* all kind of tier
    shane t1 l1 drop lead ALERT
    vernon t1 l1 ALERT
    2x governor t1 l1 both (tenacity) TOUGH
    vilkins t1 l1 (life steal) FAST
    margaret t1 l1 STRONG
    darlene t1 l1 (guardian) STRONG
    tripp t1 l1 (tell tale ) TOUGH
    victor t1 l9 FAST
    carl t1 l21 (wwhat comes after)ALERT
    hershel t1 l23 (reviver) STRONG
    ellen t1 l28 (drop lead) FAST
    jesus t2 l1 (whisper into screams) FAST
    michonne t2 l16 (prestige) STRONG
    michonne t2 l37 (taunt+100% bonus hp) TOUGH
    cain t2 l56 (life steal) ALERT
    morgan t4 l55 (gatherer) STRONG
    glenn t4 l57 (larger world) STRONG
    pete t4 l62 (retribution) FAST
    negan t1 l16 (all ou war) STRONG
    2x ben t2 l39 , t4 l71 (tell tale) FAST
    rick t3 l52 (days gone bye) FAST
    lee t3 ll56 (shield!!!) STRONG
    darius t3 l56 (road to survive) TOUGH
    ezekiel t3 l56 (guradian) STRONG
    rosa t4 l64 (large drop lead) STRONG
    rick t4 l65 (life steal) ALERT
    glenn t4 l65 (gatherer) STRONG
    michonne t4 l67 (camo ar larger world) STRONG
    donny t4 l67 ALERT
    earl t4 l67 (new begining) STRONG
    darlene t4 l67 (guardian) STRONG
    clementine t4 l68 (aroun every corner) FAST
    connie t4 l77 (drop lead) TOUGH

    town hall 20 lvl
    2 armories 20 lvl
    all farms 20 lvl
    3 houses 20 lvl
    2 scav 19 lvl (dont want to lose "u got lucky "100k exp mission)
    82 wworld cans
    62 raids can
    10 survival cans
    1 teritory can
    19 war cans
    177 k survival points
    1.266 575 ascendance medals
    1 385 legendary medals
    food bags 12=2.725 000 food
    a lot of survival,salvage tokens
    many drug kits
    about 20 legendaries weapons
    2 second att,(blue)
    2 stun guns when defending (red)
    2 abs def (yellow)
    2 impair when defending (blue)
    1 stronger trait (blue)
    1 stun when att (green)
    1 att down def(red) 1 (blue)
    many bonus crit as 3rd slot
    and many for crafting

    100k+ supply points

    many cans and a lot of parts to upgrade char

    <<<<<<<more info inline id:justpi>>>>>>>

    800$ or 500 euros

    selling bc want to quit , but still playing
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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