Still using the game so gems amount will grow up as items, exp potions, money, account exp. 34k gems Got All heroes in the game at least lvl 105, red and full enchanted. All the meta heroes are red +2 full enchanted less werewolf and serpent warlock. 30 heroes already lvl 106 All heroes power = 1.605.094 0 Heroes Skins Only Heroes that aren't 5 stars: Armed escort 2* red Musketeer 2* red Magnetic birdman 2* red Crypt Monster 3* red Forest Fairy 3* red Forest Chomper 3* red+1 Bounty Queen 3* red Dragon Rider 3* red+2 Werewolf 3* red+2 Serpent Warlock 4* red+2 Boxer 4* red Heroes Camp All maxed less marketplace lvl 4 170 Almighty soulstone 134 Almighty red gear framgent 88 Almighty Orange gear fragment 644 Almighty Purple gear fragment Annual Card days left 226 Vip 14 points 82050/15000 € 700 or best offer Payment with Paypal