Sold Selling Lvl 106 : 201k/292k close to lvl 107

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Uncharted52, 9/9/17.

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  1. Uncharted52

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    Lvl 106 : 201k/292k close to lvl 107
    - VIP 11 : 15000 points close to Vip 12
    - 1,600,000 AHP
    - 275,000 Grand power
    - 96,000 Team power
    - 588 Heroes stars
    - Server 37 SARRUS

    - 24 R3 5 Start Hero Training field lvl 45 full heroes (Hidden needle,Ninja Assassin,Rose Fencer,Turtle Fighter,Chemist,Puppet Master,Sorceress,Tarot Prophet,Wind Master,Evil Rabbit)
    - 32 R2
    - 3 R1
    - 68 02-01-0 Mixed Full and Half Trained

    Asking $100 wery cheap Im leaving the game

    Please PM me with any offers or questions. Thanks!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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