Selling Selling LV30, 3110 Gems, God Pack, All Summer of Smite, 2nd Odyssey and Rising Dawn.

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by danep864, 9/5/17.

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  1. danep864

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    Level: 30 unranked
    Gems: 3110 (almost 50$ value)
    Favor: 93725
    Honor: 950
    Mastery Level: 72 (God Pack, all gods before Khepri Mastered to at least rank 1, max rank V)
    God Skins: 50 (Mostly Limited and Exclusive skins including Ragnarok Force X Thor, Star Slayer Anhur, Soulless Machine Sol)
    Voice Packs: 19 (Ah Muzen Cab, Ah Puch, Anubis, Ares, Bellona, Chang'e, He Bo, Hercules, Hou Yi, Kukulkan, Nu Wa, Odin, Osiris, Ra, Thanatos, Thor, Tyr, Vamana, Ymir)
    Ward Skins: 7 (Lucky Cat, Shinto Shrine, Curse, Jungle Gnome, Satellite, Squiddle, We are the Ward)
    Icons: 15 (70 God Mastery, Curse, Dubstep, Hindu, International 2014, Japanese, Mayan, Norse, Pyramid, Sakura TV, Sharky, Sky Dragon, Tiermonster Eye, Valentine, Whoose Gonna Win)
    Announcer Pack: 5 (Inuki, Khepri, Mezmoreyez, Nox, Swagni)
    Loading Frame: 2 (Japanese, Season Ticket 2015 w/ 15420 fp all rewards)
    Pedestal: 2 (Kiddie Pool, Beat-Box)
    Global Emote: 2 (Chinese Lantern, Fireworks)
    Music Theme: 2 (Japanese, Ragnarok Force X)
    Total spent: 230$+

    God Skins List

    Ah Muzen Cab: Dark Whisperer, Killer Bee
    Anhur: Star Slayer (limited)
    Anubis: Stargazer
    Ao Kuang: Dragon King, Dragon Knight (limited)
    Aphrodite: Beach Babe (exclusive)
    Apollo: Curse (exclusive)
    Arachne: Black Widow
    Artemis: Stalker (exclusive)
    Bellona: Furiona (exclusive)
    Cupid: Bizzy B (exclusive)
    Freya: Valkyrie
    Geb: Molten Fury, Life's a Beach (exclusive)
    Hercules: Hunkules (exclusive)
    Hou Yi: Iron Crow (limited)
    Isis: Shadow (clan)
    Janus: Ba5s Drop (exclusive)
    Kali: Skaliwag (exclusive)
    Khepri: Steel Scarab (exclusive)
    Kukulkan: Kuku (exclusive), Void Wyrm (limited)
    Kumbhakarna: Rip Van Kumbha
    Loki: Ssslither
    Medusa: Mortal Coil, iDusa (exclusive)
    Neith: Mischievous, Harajuku (exclusive)
    Nemesis: Executioner (limited)
    Nu wa: Water Dancer (exclusive), Nu Horizons (exclusive)
    Ra: Solar Sentinel, Solar Eclipse (exclusive)
    Ratatoskr: Ragnatoskr (exclusive)
    Ravana: Rock from Bisrakh (exclusive), King of the Ring (limited)
    Scylla: COG (exclusive)
    Serqet: Desert Queen, Demonsoul, Ebonsoul (limited)
    Sobek: Kaiju (exclusive)
    Sol: Soulless Machine (limited)
    Sylvanus: Dr.Vanus (limited)
    Thanatos: Soul Harvester
    Thor: Wrath of Valhalla, Ragnarok Force X (limited)
    Xbalanque: SPL 2015 NA/EU (limited)
    Ymir: Irezumir (exclusive)

    My intention is to auction this account. Any bid goes, no minimum. 90$+ bid gets the account instantly. You can skip bidding and buy it instantly for 115$. I'll check this thread at the very least 1 time per day. Feel free to ask any question. I can provide any kind of info/proof needed. Good day and happy trades.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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