LINE ID:andywcc Game ID:2088798018 GEM:35 --happy limimin bag There are 12 days 48 (+198) and 5 (1cost+198) monster: 35 cost **Yang Gulfel (+198)** **Bonds of the sea (+198)** **Knockout ** **Ghost death spear** Obeoson(no activity in Taiwan servo) KFC(+198),athena(+198),nobunaga(+198),[QR] Asuka(+198),[V4X]kagamine,[V4X]Rin & Len,[Haberd]Asuka(+198),[UR]Nuraihyon(+198), Aqua(+198),Ushi(+198),Snow White,Tsuyukusa,Eva-00(+198),Eva-01RT(+198),Eva RT2(+198),Battle,Indra,Venus,Saturn,SSr Light Alice,Eclipse(+198),Darkgod,Anibis,Hel(+198),Merly n(+198),[UL]Akemi,Fiine(+198),[UPG]Madoka,Eva-01[Rq]Mari,[Heavy]Rei, Bag /gear locker (400/600) held items: Granvia sword 105 Granvia shield 120 Mobius 80 Legend medal 449 Drops of ether 16 Awakening Ord 5 EXP KEY 28 Proficiency KEY 30 (Proficiency 620K UP) 5 Elemental damage defense: Attack career can be more than 160up cleric will be more archer Already have the monster and material,but no time to augment and Reforge and Unlock Potential. Lacer 398K, soldier 370Kup,cleric 340K (Can be higher. 28cost material adequate.) Price set at 400 dollars But if you are interested, you can LINE or PM me I just want to buy another game account Bid is not an exaggeration. we can negotiate the price.