Rank 21 Lvl 6 assassin 3136 CC Backstab lvl 1 Cripple lvl 2 Frenzy lvl 3 MAX Decapitate lvl 3 MAX Slayer lvl 1 Energy 2006 + 101 Stamina 933 + 47 Attack 1191 + 70 Defense 510 + 40 Health 215 + 11 8 energy packs, 8 stamina packs, 19 FP. ALL MAPS 5 STARRED 2x the exterminator, 2x Reine, 7x Blink (6+4 Blink), 7x Hector ( 6+3+2 Hector), 4x Hotwire, 6x Lotus, 5x Kate (4+1 Kate), 3x KISA. And 37 Lt's more. 313,500 + 15,675 income. 273.215,724 bank. Train station 5/10 Mega Casino 5/10 Colosseum 5/10 Casino 14/16 Caribbean Island 6/16 Bar 3/3 Resturant 16/16 Conda 16/16 Night club 16/16 Mansion 16/16 Safe House 9/10 Science Facility 5/6 Steel Factory 5/6 Stock Market Exchange 5/6 Hospital 10/10 Construction Company 10/10 Real Estate Agency 10/10 Arms Factory 10/10 Personal Armory 10/10 Boxing Gym 10/10 Fortress 6/6 Dojo 6/6 Defense Facility 5/5 War Factory 5/5 Bio Lab 5/5 Airport 5/5 Space Program 5/5 Contact [email protected] for interests.
Selling LSI assassin lvl 700 (UPDATE****) Rank 21 Lvl 6 assassin 3995 CC Backstab lvl 1 Cripple lvl 2 Frenzy lvl 3 MAX Decapitate lvl 3 MAX Slayer lvl 1 Energy 2006 + 101 Stamina 933 + 47 Attack 1308 + 76 Defense 515 + 40 Health 215 + 11 12 FP. ALL MAPS 5 STARRED 2x the exterminator, 2x Reine, 7x Blink (6+4 Blink), 7x Hector ( 6+4 Hector), 4x Hotwire, 6x Lotus, 5x Kate (4+1 Kate), 3x KISA. And 37 Lt's more. 313,500 + 15,675 income. Train station 5/10 Mega Casino 5/10 Colosseum 5/10 Casino 14/16 Caribbean Island 6/16 Bar 3/3 Resturant 16/16 Conda 16/16 Night club 16/16 Mansion 16/16 Safe House 10/10!!! Science Facility 6/6 Steel Factory 5/6 Stock Market Exchange 5/6 Hospital 10/10 Construction Company 10/10 Real Estate Agency 10/10 Arms Factory 10/10 Personal Armory 10/10 Boxing Gym 10/10 Fortress 6/6 Dojo 6/6 Defense Facility 5/5 War Factory 5/5 Bio Lab 5/5 Airport 5/5 Space Program 5/5 Contact [email protected] for interests. Asking price 450$. Or conact me ingame B3473