hello I sell my LS account lvl 71 700k BS 5* 4/7 old luke 4/7 qgj x 3 6/11 any padawan 4* 4/7 obi-wan kenobi padawan 4/7 Leia Organa [Endor Celebration] x2 4/7 Han Solo 4/7 Boushh x2 4/7 Barriss Offee [Healer] 4/7 mundi 4/7 Senate Guard 4/7 Lando Calrissian sk 11 4/7 General Rieekan sk 40 4/7 Jan Dodonna sk 30 4/7 CCC 3* 4/7 Bail Organa sk 40 and sk 14 i have lot of another 4* and sk 3* base 400$ .;